Trotting Coyote Poster

Coyote or Ma’ii is an important character in the creation stories of the Dinè (Navajo).

Trotting Coyote Poster

Coyote the trickster is both good and evil. Cunning and confusing he refers to everyone as his cousin, animals and humans alike.

Each winter we tell our children Coyote stories so they can learn lessons from his mistakes and misadventures and avoid those pitfalls in their lives.

His mistakes, foibles, curiosity, and misadventures have brought both good and evil to the Dinè. His stories teach us about ourselves and what we should leave alone.

11″ by 17″ Poster $2.00
18″ by 22″ Poster $6.00

You can order from:

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday

Online order at this Website:

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Navajo Hero Twins Story Part 5

Hero Twins Video Part 5

Navajo Language Lesson by Clayton Long

Learn why some monsters were allowed to live included Hunger, Poverty, Old Age, and Cold.


Hero Twins Presentation

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

by Don Mose, Jr.
Illustrated by Charles Yanito

Navajo Language Lesson links

Clayton Long – Instructor
Clayton Long YouTube Channel
Mana Academy
Navajo Language Lessons Page
Navajo Language Lessons YouTube Channel
Navajo People Language Page
Heritage Language Resource Center
Harold Carey Jr – Computer Teacher

Navajo Hero Twins Story Part 4

Hero Twins Video Part 4

Navajo Language Lesson by Clayton Long

Sun Bearer and the Twins kill the Giant Ye’iitsoh
The Horned Monster (Dèèlgèèd )killed with help from prairie dog
Flying Monster of Tsèbit ‘áí Shiprock Killed
Walking Rock Monster ( Tsè Naagáii) was killed

Hero Twins Presentation Pictures and text

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

by Don Mose, Jr.
Illustrated by Charles Yanito

Navajo Language Lesson links

Clayton Long – Instructor
Clayton Long YouTube Channel
Mana Academy
Navajo Language Lessons Page
Navajo Language Lessons YouTube Channel
Navajo People Language Page
Heritage Language Resource Center
Harold Carey Jr – Computer Teacher

Navajo Hero Twins Story Part 3

Hero Twins Video Part 3

Navajo Language Lesson by Clayton Long

Navajo Hero Twins Part 3 Presentation

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

by Don Mose, Jr.
Illustrated by Charles Yanito

Navajo Language Lesson links

Clayton Long – Instructor

Clayton Long YouTube Channel

Mana Academy

Navajo Language Lessons Page

Navajo Language Lessons YouTube Channel

Navajo People Language Page

Heritage Language Resource Center

Harold Carey Jr – Computer Teacher

Changing Woman Protects Her Sons

One day, when the monster Yé’iitsoh came to visit her, changing woman quickly hid the boys.
Yé’iitsoh had seen little footprints around changing women’s hogan, he and he was very curious.
He asked, “Where are the little children who made these tracks?”

Changing Woman Protects Her SonsOh it was I who made these little footprints, “lied changing woman.”  “I was lonely and long for some children, so I made footprints with my fists like this.” She pressed her fist into the sand to demonstrate. “Then I added the total imprints with my fingers like this.”

Charles Yanito artist and illustrator

 Illustrated  artwork by Charles Yanito.

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday

Online order at this Website:

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Other Books and Posters

The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins Book Review
Changing Woman Protects Her Sons
The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster
Navajo Winter Storytelling Poster
The Navajo Hero Twins Receive Their Weapons – Poster
Tsidil – Navajo Stick Game
Book Review of  ”The Legend of the Horse”
Legend of the Horse Poster
K’é – Diné (Navajo) Kinship System

The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster

Throughout their journey, the Navajo Hero Twins undergo trials and teachings.

The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Hero Twins

Before they are able to embark on a life of serving the People, they must stand on the firm foundation of knowledge.

This poster illustrates the Twins receiving sacred knowledge from the Holy Beings.

Charles Yanito artist and illustrator

 Illustrated  artwork by Charles Yanito.

Available in 2 sizes:
17” x 22” – $7.00 each or $25.00 set
11” x 14” – $3.00 each or $10.00 set

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday

Online order at this Website:

Click here for New Fall 2013  Catalog

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Books and Posters

The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins Book Review
Changing Woman Protects Her Sons
The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster
Navajo Winter Storytelling Poster
The Navajo Hero Twins Receive Their Weapons – Poster
Tsidil – Navajo Stick Game
Book Review of  ”The Legend of the Horse”
Legend of the Horse Poster
K’é – Diné (Navajo) Kinship System

Navajo People Website Links:
Navajo Culture – Navajo History – Navajo Art – Navajo Clothing Navajo Pictures – Navajo Rugs – Navajo Language– Navajo Jewelry – Navajo Code Talker – Navajo Pottery – Navajo Legends – Hogan’s – Sand Painting – Navajo Food – Navajo News – Navajo Nation

Navajo Winter Storytelling Poster

Recounting the Journeys of the Navajo Hero Twins


Navajo Winter Storytelling Poster

Poster © 2013 Heritage Language Resource Center. All rights reserved


The story of the Hero Twins, from birth through manhood, provides a lifelong pattern for the Diné to follow.

Everyone was involved in their raising, their training, and eventually struggles and victories: Sun bear her and other deities, changing woman in the Diné, the animals and the birds, even the earth itself.

The Giants and their followers had made it impossible for the Diné to establish a homeland, but changing woman gave birth to the twins and raise them for their special purpose.

They conquer the giants and provided a safe place for the Diné to call home. Within the protecting boundaries of the four sacred mountains, the Diné established their homeland.

There they can live and follow the teachings of their forefathers. Many of their ceremonies, chants, prayers, songs, and celebrations of the Diné are reenactments of the events of the story of the he will twins.-year-old twins.

When respected and followed, they will keep the Diné in harmony and balance in their own homeland.

Charles Yanito artist and illustrator

 Illustrated  artwork by Charles Yanito.

Charles Yanito was born in Bluff, Utah to the Ti’ash chii and the Toh dich’iinih clans. He attended the Institute of American Indian Arts and holds a degree from the College of Eastern Utah and Utah State University. He has exhibited his works in numerous galleries and regional art festivals. His illustrations can be seen in many San Juan School Heritage Language Resource Center publications. Currently, Charles resides in Bear, Delaware with his family.

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

The posters are Available in 2 sizes:
17” x 22” – $7.00 each or $25.00 for the 4 poster set
11” x 14” – $3.00 each or $10.00 for the 4 poster set

To Purchase:
Heritage Language Resource Center
Navajo and Ute Language Resources
28 West 20 North
Blanding, Utah 8451
435 -678 -1230

Navajo Hero Twins Poster

Naayéé’neizghání (Slayer of Monsters) and

Tóbájíshchíní (Born for Water) are the Navajo Hero Twins.

Navajo Hero Twins Poster

Navajo Hero Twins Poster © 2013 Heritage Language Resource Center. All rights reserved

They stand tall, ready to defend their People, the Diné, from all enemies.

Given the gift of the Eagle Feather to surmount their challenges and weapons of the Sun Bearer, these young boys became strong defenders and leaders of their People.


Charles Yanito artist and illustrator

 Illustrated  artwork by Charles Yanito.

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

The posters are Available in 2 sizes:
17” x 22” – $7.00 each or $25.00 for the 4 poster set
11” x 14” – $3.00 each or $10.00 for the 4 poster set

To Purchase:
Heritage Language Resource Center
Navajo and Ute Language Resources
28 West 20 North
Blanding, Utah 8451
435 -678 -1230

The Navajo Hero Twins Receive Their Weapons

The Twins Receive Their Weapons – Poster

The Navajo Hero Twins Receive Their WeaponsPoster © 2013 Heritage Language Resource Center. All rights reserved

After the Sun Bearer acknowledges the Twins as his sons, he arms them with his mighty weapons that will enable the Twins to defend themselves and slay the enemy monsters of the Diné.

The following from the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

“Sun Bearer opens the last door. The room was dark and gloomy infield with smoke. Occasional sheet lightning flash to illuminate huge weapons that hung around the walls

Sun Bearer or stepped into the room, and went to each of the four walls of the dwelling and took down his mighty weapons: lightning, sheet lightning, deadly sunbeam, and fatal rainbow.
He presented the weapons to the boys as they stood before him.

Then, each received a powerful Bow and  Arrows. Next  Sun Bearer took Shields, armor and helmet made from Flint, and he presented them to the boys. Finally, he gave each of them stone knives, and broad blades.”

Available in 2 sizes:
17” x 22” – $7.00 each or $25.00 set
11” x 14” – $3.00 each or $10.00 set

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday

Online order at this Website:

Click here for New Fall 2013  Catalog

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Other Books and Posters

The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins Book Review
Changing Woman Protects Her Sons
The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster
Navajo Winter Storytelling Poster
The Navajo Hero Twins Receive Their Weapons – Poster
Tsidil – Navajo Stick Game
Book Review of  ”The Legend of the Horse”
Legend of the Horse Poster
K’é – Diné (Navajo) Kinship System

The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

Book Review of 

The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

by Don Mose, Jr.
Illustrated by Charles Yanito

gend of the Navajo Hero Twins cover

Naayéé’neizghání (Slayer of Monsters) and Tóbájíshchíní (Born for Water) are the Navajo Hero Twins.

Lavishly illustrated with the world-class artwork of Charles Yanito. (37  illustrations)

Experience the Journey!

Read about the epic journey of the Navajo Hero Twins, the traditional narrative that parallels the journey of life and defines the foundation of Navajo culture.The book covers:

Raising the Twins
Spider Woman Prepares the Twins
Journey to the Father on the Holy Trail
Sun Bearer Challenges the Twins
The Sweat Lodge
The Weapons
The Sacred Mountains
Holy Beings Teach the Twins
The Twins Kill the Monsters

… and many other topics.

Don Mose Jr
Don Mose, Jr., traditional storytellerDon Mose, Jr. is a member of the Diné Nation, originally from the small reservation community of pinon, Arizona. Storylling has always been an important part of Don,s life. As a boy, Don listened to his Grandfather and his Aunt as they related the timeless history and narratives of the Diné. Don has commjtted his life’s work to sharing these traditional stories with the younger generations. ln his quest to keep the flames of Diné culture alive, Don has been inspired by the traditional people of the far north, the Athabascan relatives he met on his journeys to Siberia and the Yukon. lt is Don’s desire that these stories be used to help students.
Charles Yanito artist and illustrator
Charles Yanito artist and illustratorCharles Yanito was born in Bluff, Utah to the Tl’ash chii and the Toh dich’iinih clans. He attended the lnstitute of American lndian Arts and holds degrees from the College of Eastern Utah and Utah State University. He has exhibited his works in numerous galleries and regional art festivals. His illushations can be seen in many San Juan Schools Heritage Language Resource Centor publlcaflons, Currenfly, Charles resides in Bear, Delaware with his famlly.

Navajo Old Age Illustration by Charles Yanit

The twins were on their way, together again. As they reached the foot of the mountain, they saw
an old woman. She walked slowly towards them, leaning on her cane. Everything her was old, her wrinkled face, her thin arms, her bent back. She looked so tired, and she even spoke slowly, with a quaver in her voice. “So, you are the warrior boys. Whst brings you to Dibe Nitsaa?”

Navajo Old Age Illustration by Charles Yanit 

Book measures 8.5 “ x 11”

Spiral Bound for easy reading 

Initial introductory printing — soft cover — $35.00 

To Purchase:
Heritage Language Resource Center
Navajo and Ute Language Resources
28 West 20 North
Blanding, Utah 8451
435 -678 -1230

Posters from the book

The posters are Available in 2 sizes:
17” x 22” – $7.00 each or $25.00 for the 4 poster set
11” x 14” – $3.00 each or $10.00 for the 4 poster set

The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster

The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster

The Navajo Hero Twins Receive Their Weapons

Navajo Winter Storytelling Poster
Recounting the Journeys of the Navajo Hero Twins

Navajo People Website Links:
Navajo Culture – Navajo History – Navajo Art – Navajo Clothing Navajo Pictures – Navajo Rugs – Navajo Language– Navajo Jewelry – Navajo Code Talker – Navajo Pottery – Navajo Legends – Hogan’s – Sand Painting – Navajo Food – Navajo News – Navajo Nation