The Waterhole – Navajo Language Lesson

The Waterhole - Navajo Language Lesson



The waterhole hides away behind the red rocks, but my sheep know where to find it.
Their little feet have made a deep trail from the corral to the waterhole.


Little Navajo Indian Girl and Dog

Little Navajo Indian Girl and dog
A sweet child of the Navajos holding on to her pet dog. She wears the rich jewelry and sewed on dimes which constitutes wealth among this southwestern Indian tribe.

Date around 1943. Photo by Josef Muench

BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY: Josef Muench was born in Bavaria February 8, 1904.
At the age of 11 he received his first camera and began a lifelong interest in capturing nature on film.

He arrived in the United States with his brother in 1926 and eventually settled in Santa Barbara, California. In the 1930s, Muench began his long association with Arizona Highways Magazine.

Josef Muench died in 1998.