The Navajo Four Cardinal Directions

East – Ha’a’aah South – Shádi’ááh West – E’e’aah North – Náhookos East – Ha’a’aah Dawn, birth, beginning of life, a new beginning of each day.  Goal setting visualizing, conceptualizing, and  developing mental strength capabilities. Realization,creativity, reasoning, awareness,developing ideas,and forming opinions. Develop good memory skills and sensitivity. Intellectual development and  becoming innovative. North – Náhookos Darkness […]

The Navajo Four Sacred Colors

Color In Navajo Life And Beliefs Color has many symbolic meanings in Navajo culture; in fact, a single color can mean several different things depending on the context in which it is used. Four colors in particular black, white, blue, and yellow have important connections to Navajo cultural and spiritual beliefs. These colors represent the […]

Navajo String Games

  String Games are a winter storytelling activity that kids of all ages enjoy. The string games are stories that you act out in patterns by intertwining hand movements with a string. Some of the hand movements are easily mastered, while others require skill and patience to learn. This book will provide you with the […]

Navajo Clan Wheel Chart

Help students become familiar with their clans. The clan wheel can help students identify family relationships and connections. Clan Wheel measures 19″ in diameter and has three layers made with sturdy railroad board. A heavy grommet hold the wheel together. The names of Related clans can be lined-up and displayed in the cut-out window. Ordering […]

Jake Livingston – Navajo-Zuni Silversmith

Jake Livingston Living History Video This documentary film was researched, photographed, edited and produced by students of Winona State University (Winona, Minnesota) and Diné College (Tsaile, Arizona, Navajo Nation) during summer 2013. It contains stories Jake Livingston of Sanders, Arizona, told the students during several hours of interviews about his life. This documentary film is […]

Peter MacDonald Tribal Chairman & Code Talker

Peter MacDonald  – Living History This documentary film was researched, photographed, edited and produced by students of Winona State University (Winona, Minnesota) and Diné College (Tsaile, Arizona, Navajo Nation) during summer 2013. It contains stories Peter MacDonald, of Tuba City, Arizona, told the students during several hours of interviews about his life. This documentary film […]

Della Toadlena Author, Professor, a Living History

Della Toadlena Living History Video   This documentary film was researched, photographed, edited and produced by students of Winona State University (Winona, Minnesota) and Diné College (Tsaile, Arizona, Navajo Nation) during summer 2013. It contains stories Della Toadlena of Chinle, Arizona, told to the students during several hours of interviews about his life. This documentary […]