Sheep Is Life Celebration Events

Friday & Saturday June 21-22, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Sheep Is Life Celebration Events

Most activities are on the southeast side of the Hatathli Cultural Center, Diné College, Tsailé Campus, Navajo Nation

Free events for the whole family!

Sheep to Loom Activities, Felting, Storytelling, Exhibits Diné Agriculture, Diné Foods, Sheep and Wool Clinics

Vendors Welcome!

Navajo Weaving Sale, Sheep is Life General Store, Sheep Camp, and Awards Ceremony

Do not miss an opportunity to experience Navajo culture and arts first hand.

click here to download schedule


Navajo-Churro Wool Show & Clinic

Navajo-Churro Sheep Wool Show & Clinic General Information

Show Time is Friday, June 22nd 2013 – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

This year we are using a different approach to the Navajo Churro Wool show. Rather than competing against each other, we will be learning with each other. Everyone will be a winner because each will be gaining valuable insights as a producer and breeder of Navajo-Churro Sheep. First, you will be asked to tell us what you like about your wool fleece and what you are concerned about as a wool producer or fiber artist. Then the judge(s) will provide you with their opinion(s) from these perspectives:

  1. How well your fleece compares to the Navajo Churro Sheep Association breed standard

  2. The quality of your fleece from a Navajo fiber artist perspective

  3. Comments about other characteristics of the wool and its potential uses


Navajo-Churro Sheep Show & Clinic

Navajo-Churro Sheep Show & Clinic General Information

Show Time is Saturday, June 22nd 2013 – 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Kirt Atakai, right, and Robbin Robinson, of Grand Falls, Ariz., hold their lambs in the sheep show during the Sheep is Life Celebration June 25 at Diné College in Tsaile, Ariz. Atakai and his lamb won best of show in the lamb category. (Navajo Times photo – Leigh T. Jimmie)

This year we are using a different approach to the Navajo-Churro Sheep show. Rather than competing against each other, we will be learning with each other. Everyone will be a winner because each will be gaining valuable insights as a producer and breeder of Navajo-Churro Sheep. First, you will be asked to tell us what you like about your sheep and what you are concerned about as a breeder. Then the judge(s) will provide you with their observations(s) from these perspectives:

  1. How well your sheep compares to the Navajo Churro Sheep Association breed standard

  2. The health and soundness of your sheep as breeding stock

  3. Comments about other characteristics, Navajo perspectives, and concerns

More Information:

TahNibaa Naataanii, Executive Director
(505) 406-7428