Owl and Woodpecker – A Navajo Tale

A Navajo Legend

Story told by Don Mose, Jr.
Illustrated by Molly Trainor

Owl and Woodpecker - A Navajo Tale

To the Navajo, the owl is a bearer of bad news. When an owl appears, it may be a warning that something terrible is about to happen. When a traditional Navajo sees an owl, he ppecker – A Navajo Talerays for intervention, protection, and guidance.

You can order a printed copy of the book from:

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday
Email: rstoneman@sjsd.org

Online order at this Website: media.sjsd.org

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Also see:

Father Sky and Mother Earth- A Navajo Legend

Coyote, Bobcat and the Corn

Navajo Clan Wheel Chart

Navajo Clan Wheel Chart

Navajo Clan Wheel Chart

Help students become familiar with their clans. The clan wheel can help students identify family relationships and connections.

Clan Wheel measures 19″ in diameter and has three layers made with sturdy railroad board. A heavy grommet hold the wheel together. The names of Related clans can be lined-up and displayed in the cut-out window.

Ordering Information

Cost $15.00 USD

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday
Email: rstoneman@sjsd.org

Online order at this Website: media.sjsd.org

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

This Navajo Clan Wheel can be used with the Navajo Clan Legends Poster and the Clan Legends book.

clan book thumbClan poster thumb

Navajo Vocabulary Flashcards

Use these flashcards to learn the Navajo Language.

Navajo Vocabulary Flashcards

The basic set consists of 150 colorful, index-sized cards; Navajo text on one side and English reference on the opposite side. Basic vocabulary set includes the following categories: animals, food, plants, seasons, family, household items, shapes, numbers and more!

Cards are printed on heavy cardstock.

Illustrations by Theresa Breznau.

Basic Vocabulary set

Set of 150 cards
$10.00 on heavy cardstock
$20.00 Laminated

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday
Email: rstoneman@sjsd.org

Online order at this Website: media.sjsd.org

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.


Navajo Language Alphabet Cards

Learn Diné Bizaad

This set contains 36 colorful, visually large cards, each measuring 5.5″ x 8.5″.

Navajo Alphabet Cards

Printed on heavy cardstock with illustrations by Theresa Breznau. Consonants are highlighted in black, vowels in red, blends and diacritical marks are in green.
Cards are also available as a laminated set. Please use drop-down menu to select your choice.

Set of 36 cards
$15.00 on heavy cardstock
$30.00 Laminated

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday
Email: rstoneman@sjsd.org

Online order at this Website: media.sjsd.org

Navajo Vowel Poster

Navajo Language Vowel Poster

Navajo Language Vowel Poster

This poster is a companion the Navajo Consonant Poster

Identify vowel sounds. Dicritical marks are clearly indicated.

Poster is printed on heavy cardstock and laminated.

Illustrations were created by Theresa Breznau.

Two sizes are available:

17″ x 22″ $6.00

11″ x 14″. $2.00

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday
Email: rstoneman@sjsd.org

Online order at this Website: media.sjsd.org

Click here for New Fall 2014  Catalog

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Parts of the Body in Navajo Language

Hats’íís – Parts of the Body

New Poster

Parts of the Body in Navajo Language

This Poster illustrates the appropriate references for body parts.

All terms in Navajo Language

Available in two sizes:
17” x 22” – $6.00
11” x 17” – $2.00

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday
Email: rstoneman@sjsd.org

Online order at this Website: media.sjsd.org

Click here for New Fall 2013  Catalog

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster

Throughout their journey, the Navajo Hero Twins undergo trials and teachings.

The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Hero Twins

Before they are able to embark on a life of serving the People, they must stand on the firm foundation of knowledge.

This poster illustrates the Twins receiving sacred knowledge from the Holy Beings.

Charles Yanito artist and illustrator

 Illustrated  artwork by Charles Yanito.

Available in 2 sizes:
17” x 22” – $7.00 each or $25.00 set
11” x 14” – $3.00 each or $10.00 set

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday
Email: rstoneman@sjsd.org

Online order at this Website: media.sjsd.org

Click here for New Fall 2013  Catalog

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Books and Posters

The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins Book Review
Changing Woman Protects Her Sons
The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster
Navajo Winter Storytelling Poster
The Navajo Hero Twins Receive Their Weapons – Poster
Tsidil – Navajo Stick Game
Book Review of  ”The Legend of the Horse”
Legend of the Horse Poster
K’é – Diné (Navajo) Kinship System

Navajo People Website Links:
Navajo Culture – Navajo History – Navajo Art – Navajo Clothing Navajo Pictures – Navajo Rugs – Navajo Language– Navajo Jewelry – Navajo Code Talker – Navajo Pottery – Navajo Legends – Hogan’s – Sand Painting – Navajo Food – Navajo News – Navajo Nation