Official Poster for the Northern Navajo Nation Fair

Created by Mr. David K. John from Kayenta, Arizona

Poster Northern Navajo Nation Fair

Copyright 2014 Northern Navajo Nation Fair

“This year’s poster of the Northern Navajo Nation Fair was created and painted by Mr. David K. John from Kayenta, Arizona. His image reflects the cultural event that many spectators from across the Navajo Reservation observe through the fair activities. This year’s fair theme, “Beginning our journey with the communities to enrich ideas and opportunities,” demonstrates our enrichment through tradition, culture and harvest. As we are blessed with our cultural teachings to observe our mother earth and the many blessings we as Dine follow the blessing way of life through our beliefs, teachings, sacred knowledge and our families.” -Robert Felson, Fair Director

Artist David K. John Website

For more information in the 2014 Northern Navajo Nation Fair In Shiprock, AZ



Navajo Vowel Poster

Navajo Language Vowel Poster

Navajo Language Vowel Poster

This poster is a companion the Navajo Consonant Poster

Identify vowel sounds. Dicritical marks are clearly indicated.

Poster is printed on heavy cardstock and laminated.

Illustrations were created by Theresa Breznau.

Two sizes are available:

17″ x 22″ $6.00

11″ x 14″. $2.00

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday

Online order at this Website:

Click here for New Fall 2014  Catalog

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Navajo Consonant Poster

Help for learning the  Navajo Language

Diné Bizaad

Navajo Consonant Poster
Navajo Consonant Poster

This colorfully-illustrated poster is a concise reference for the classroom. Laminated poster measures approximately 18″ x 22″ and is printed on heavy card-stock.

This poster is a companion to the Navajo Vowel poster.

Illustrations were created by Theresa Breznau.

Two sizes are available:

17″ x 22″ $6.00

11″ x 14″. $2.00

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday

Online order at this Website:

Click here for New Fall 2014  Catalog

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Northern Navajo Nation Fair Poster Contest Winner


NNNF Poster winner, Shemar P. George

Northern Navajo Nation Fair Poster Contest Winner

The Northern Navajo Nation Fair Board announces the 102nd Annual Northern Navajo Nation Fair poster winner, Shemar P. George of Two Grey Hills. Shemar, a fourteen year old student of Navajo Preparatory School was selected among several entries in this year’s contest. Regional talented artists submitted illustrations to reflect and showcase this year’s fair theme, “T’áá nihí aniit’éego bee hózhó náhoodleel- Individually, we restore balance and harmony.”

Each year submissions are made by aspiring artists with their interpretation of the theme and contestants are judged on aesthetics, theme incorporation and originality. Shemar’s drawing is the official fair poster that will be displayed during the 102nd Annual Northern Navajo Nation Fair from October 3-6, 2013. In Shemar’s submission he reflected on the areas of Navajo culture that creates the elements of harmony and balance.

Shemar states, “The motto for the Shiprock Northern Navajo Fair was “Individually, we restore balance & harmony” What the image represents from my drawing is the motto of the 102nd Shiprock Northern Navajo Fair. What the corn represents is having harmony, also what the basket represents is to restore balance, the four arrowheads represent the four directions and the four colors, what the corn stalks represent is the corn pollen we bless ourselves with. IN the background, the rock represents Shiprock. So altogether Shiprock individually balances itself like the Navajo basket and has harmony like the corn stalks and the corn.”

The Northern Navajo Nation Fair Board will feature Shemar in this year’s parade to be held on Saturday, October 5. The Navajo Nation President and Vice President have also extended a special invitation to Shemar and his family to the Presidential dinner to be held during the Northern Navajo Nation Fair. Posters are available for purchase for $10.00 at the Northern Navajo Nation Fair Office, Nataani Nez restaurant in Shiprock, New Mexico and Alex Benally’s Hogan in Farmington, New Mexico.

The Northern Navajo Nation Fair is currently seeking submissions for the 103rd Annual Northern Navajo Nation Fair poster and theme contest. Interested individuals can contact the Northern Navajo Nation Fair office for more information. The theme contest deadline is October 31 and the poster contest deadline is December 31, 2013.

Northern Navajo Nation Fair Poster Contest flyer


For more information on how to enter and guidelines, please visit the Northern Navajo Nation Fair office or contact

Legend of the Horse Poster

Legend of the Horse Poster

Legend of the Horse Poster

Brilliant Color & Laminated

Available in three sizes:
23” x 35” – $12.00
18” x 24” – $6.00
11” x 14” – $2.00

Poster illustrates and explains the origins of the mystical horse in Diné culture and history.

Companion to the Legend of the Horse book.

Original Artwork by Charles Yanito, Diné

Charles Yanito artist and illustrator
Charles Yanito artist and illustrator 

Charles Yanito was born in Bluff, Utah to the Tl’ash chii and the Toh dich’iinih clans. He attended the lnstitute of American lndian Arts and holds degrees from the College of Eastern Utah and Utah State University. He has exhibited his works in numerous galleries and regional art festivals. His illushations can be seen in many San Juan Schools Heritage Language Resource Centor publlcaflons, Currenfly, Charles resides in Bear, Delaware with his famlly.

To Purchase:

Heritage Language Resource Center
Navajo and Ute Language Resources
28 West 20 North
Blanding, Utah 8451
435 -678 -1230

The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster

Throughout their journey, the Navajo Hero Twins undergo trials and teachings.

The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Hero Twins

Before they are able to embark on a life of serving the People, they must stand on the firm foundation of knowledge.

This poster illustrates the Twins receiving sacred knowledge from the Holy Beings.

Charles Yanito artist and illustrator

 Illustrated  artwork by Charles Yanito.

Available in 2 sizes:
17” x 22” – $7.00 each or $25.00 set
11” x 14” – $3.00 each or $10.00 set

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

Ordering Information

San Juan School District
Heritage Language Resource Center
28 West 200 North
Phone: 435-678-1230
FAX: 435-678-1283
Store Hours: 9:00 – 4:30
Monday through Thursday

Online order at this Website:

Click here for New Fall 2013  Catalog

We accept purchase orders, credit cards, and checks.
We bill only for items shipped and actual cost of shipping.
Personal orders ship after payment is received.
Please estimate 10% of purchase total for shipping cost.

Books and Posters

The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins Book Review
Changing Woman Protects Her Sons
The Holy Beings Teach the Navajo Twins Poster
Navajo Winter Storytelling Poster
The Navajo Hero Twins Receive Their Weapons – Poster
Tsidil – Navajo Stick Game
Book Review of  ”The Legend of the Horse”
Legend of the Horse Poster
K’é – Diné (Navajo) Kinship System

Navajo People Website Links:
Navajo Culture – Navajo History – Navajo Art – Navajo Clothing Navajo Pictures – Navajo Rugs – Navajo Language– Navajo Jewelry – Navajo Code Talker – Navajo Pottery – Navajo Legends – Hogan’s – Sand Painting – Navajo Food – Navajo News – Navajo Nation

Navajo Hero Twins Poster

Naayéé’neizghání (Slayer of Monsters) and

Tóbájíshchíní (Born for Water) are the Navajo Hero Twins.

Navajo Hero Twins Poster

Navajo Hero Twins Poster © 2013 Heritage Language Resource Center. All rights reserved

They stand tall, ready to defend their People, the Diné, from all enemies.

Given the gift of the Eagle Feather to surmount their challenges and weapons of the Sun Bearer, these young boys became strong defenders and leaders of their People.


Charles Yanito artist and illustrator

 Illustrated  artwork by Charles Yanito.

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

The posters are Available in 2 sizes:
17” x 22” – $7.00 each or $25.00 for the 4 poster set
11” x 14” – $3.00 each or $10.00 for the 4 poster set

To Purchase:
Heritage Language Resource Center
Navajo and Ute Language Resources
28 West 20 North
Blanding, Utah 8451
435 -678 -1230