Navajo Hero Twins Story Part 5

Hero Twins Video Part 5

Navajo Language Lesson by Clayton Long

Learn why some monsters were allowed to live included Hunger, Poverty, Old Age, and Cold.


Hero Twins Presentation

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

by Don Mose, Jr.
Illustrated by Charles Yanito

Navajo Language Lesson links

Clayton Long – Instructor
Clayton Long YouTube Channel
Mana Academy
Navajo Language Lessons Page
Navajo Language Lessons YouTube Channel
Navajo People Language Page
Heritage Language Resource Center
Harold Carey Jr – Computer Teacher

Navajo Hero Twins Story Part 3

Hero Twins Video Part 3

Navajo Language Lesson by Clayton Long

Navajo Hero Twins Part 3 Presentation

From the book:  The Legend of the Navajo Hero Twins

by Don Mose, Jr.
Illustrated by Charles Yanito

Navajo Language Lesson links

Clayton Long – Instructor

Clayton Long YouTube Channel

Mana Academy

Navajo Language Lessons Page

Navajo Language Lessons YouTube Channel

Navajo People Language Page

Heritage Language Resource Center

Harold Carey Jr – Computer Teacher

Navajo Monster Slayer Project

Monster Slayer Project Begins Production


By Denny J Spencer

Local production company Astronaught in a joint effort with Indiegenous
Productions announced today the start of production for the Monster Slayer Project. A
short film that is a contemporary retelling of the Navajo Hero Twins story.

Cast_of_Monster_SlayerCast of the Monster Slayer Project

The projects main goal is to reach Navajo youths of this current generation through film, in
an effort to inspire them to want to learn about their heritage. The Project recently
auditioned and cast all Dineh (Navajo) actors and will begin shooting in the summer of

To learn more about this project, please contact
Kjell Boersma

Breakfast – Little Herder Story

Breakfast – Navajo Language Lesson


Breakfast - Little Herder Story-2


On the fire in the middle of the hogan, my mother cooks food.
My mother makes fried bread and coffee, and she cooks mutton over the coals.


My father and I and mother, we sit on the floor together, and we eat the good food that my mother has cooked for us.

We have many things. My mother has many sheep and goats and her hogan and the things of the hogan and me.

 Source : “Little Herder in the Winter” by Ann Clark 1940

Illustrated by:
Hoke Denetsosie
Linguistics by:
John P. Harrington
Robert W. Young

More Navajo Language Lessons

Navajo People Website Links:
Navajo Culture – Navajo History – Navajo Art – Navajo Clothing Navajo Pictures – Navajo Rugs – Navajo Language– Navajo Jewelry – Navajo Code Talker – Navajo Pottery – Navajo Legends – Hogan’s – Sand Painting – Navajo Food – Navajo News – Navajo Nation

A Navajo Horse Race Story

A Navajo Horse Race Story

A Navajo Horse Race Story - Betting


The men go for horses that have walked away to find grass to eat. The women put blankets and food in the wagons.

My uncle tells ‘my father to wait awhile because my uncle says he knows a man who has a horse that can win a race

All the men stand around. They talk together about this horse.

My father gets the things out of the wagon that my mother has put in it. He is going to bet them on this horse that my uncle says can win a race.

The Trader comes. He does not like the horse my uncle knows. He puts up a hundred dollars against the horse.

With another man my father bets his bowguard against a concho belt on that horse my uncle knows.

The men choose o flat place to run the race.

They say, “We will run to that place and back.” They mount their horses. They line them up. One man stands by the pool of things that are being bet against the hundred dollars.

They say, “We will run to that place and back.” They mount their horses. They line them up. One man stands by the pool of things that are being bet against the hundred do1 lars.


A Navajo Horse Race Story - The Race
The starter takes his hat off.

He lifts it up. He lifts it up.

He holds it there. He drops it.

They are off.

They are running together. No horse is in front. No horse is is behind. They are together.

Together. Running, running.

The black one that the Trader likes stretches out, running, running, gets in front, running, running. Sand flies. People shout.

The People shout. Now comes the horse my uncle knows. There he is, there he is, in front, in front, away in front. He has won the race. The horse my uncle knows has won the race.

Source : “Little Herder in the Winter” by Ann Clark 1940
Illustrated by:

Hoke Denetsosie
Linguistics by:
John P. Harrington
Robert W. Young

Navajo People Website Links:
Navajo Culture – Navajo History – Navajo Art – Navajo Clothing Navajo Pictures – Navajo Rugs – Navajo Language– Navajo Jewelry – Navajo Code Talker – Navajo Pottery – Navajo Legends – Hogan’s – Sand Painting – Navajo Food – Navajo News – Navajo Nation