The Hogan – Navajo Language Lesson

The Hogan - Navajo Language Lesson

The Hogan
My mother’s hogan is round and earth-color.
Its floor is smooth and hard.
It has a friendly fire and an open door.
It is my home.
I live happily in my mother’s hogan.

Shimá bighan nímaz dóó ni’ t’áá beelt’è.
Ghóne’ dóó hodilkooh dóó hótliz, dóó ‘alahji ko’, dóó ‘alahji’ diné nihaa ndaaka.
‘Éí shighan.
Shimá bighan góne’ shil hózho´ogo keéé hasht’i´

Little Herder – Navajo Language Lessons

Story Telling – Navajo Language Lesson
Build a Fire – Navajo Language Lesson
Little Lambs – Navajo Language Lesson
Field – Navajo Language Lesson
The Waterhole – Navajo Language Lesson
The Puppy – Navajo Language Lesson
Sheep Corral – Navajo Language Lesson
Possessions – Navajo Language Lesson
Breakfast – Little Herder Story
The Sing – Navajo Language Lesson
Going To The Sing – Navajo Language Lesson
Sleep – Navajo Language Lesson
Supper – Navajo Language Lesson
Father Comes Back – Navajo Language Lesson
Shoveling Snow – Navajo Language Lesson
The Dogs are Hungry – Navajo Language Lesson
There Is No Food – Navajo Story

More Navajo language links:

Build a Fire – Navajo Language Lesson

They will build a fire to melt snow into water to give to the sheep
My father blows on his hands to warm them

Build a Fire - Navajo Language Lesson

They will build a fire to melt snow into water to give to the sheep.
It takes much wood to make a fire to melt snow into water,
but if the sheep have water to drink they do not hunger so much.

My father blows on his hands to warm them.
His breath looks like smoke.
My father shreds juniper bark to start the outdoor fire.
He takes a lighted stick from our fire. ‘
He takes it outside..
He puts it under the bark and the dry wood, and kneeling down he blows on it.
Soon a small flame comes

Source : “Little Herder in the Winter” by Ann Clark 1940
Illustrated by:

Hoke Denetsosie
Linguistics by:
John P. Harrington
Robert W. Young

Navajo People Website Links:
Navajo Culture – Navajo History – Navajo Art – Navajo Clothing Navajo Pictures – Navajo Rugs – Navajo Language– Navajo Jewelry – Navajo Code Talker – Navajo Pottery – Navajo Legends – Hogan’s – Sand Painting – Navajo Food – Navajo News – Navajo Nation