This is Born From Water, the second of the twin miracle-performing sons of Yolkai Estsan, the White-Shell Woman. His brother is Nayenezgani.
Mask representing the younger twin, known both as Na?ídígishí, He Who Cuts Life Out of the Enemy, and Tóbájíshchíní, Born of Water. Mask used in Night Chant Ceremony, recorded by Matthews in 1902
The mask is the usual inverted bag made of set sacred buckskin. It is the painted with red ocher all except a space over the face, triangular informed with round corners.
This space is black bordered with white and large enough to include eye-holes and a mouthful. On the ground of the red ocher, both the front in the back of the mask are painted a number of few symbols in white. These vary in number, position, and arrangement on different mask in at each new painting of the mask but the number is always a multiple of four.
To an angle of each mouthful and I whole is all diamond shaped is attached a white shell. A fringe of red or yellow here are wool, either staff or flowing is attached to the seam across the crown from side to side.. A turkey feather and a eagle feather are fixed to the top of the mass, to one side of the center. It collar is a fox skin.
[…] several songs, Nayenezgani and Tobadzischini cut the boughs from the body, using a stone arrow-point as a knife. Then the boughs are cut into […]