Possessions – Navajo Language Lesson

Possessions - Navajo Language Lesson
We have many things.
My mother has many sheep,  and goats, and her hogan, and the things, of the hogan, and me.

My father has many horses.
On his land he has many horses.
He has a wagon near the horse corral.

Inside my mother’s hogan my father keeps his gun, and outside he hangs hissheepskin and his saddle and his blanket.

And I have my mother and my father, three baby lambs and a cat with a long tail.
Behind my mother’s hogan is Beautiful Mountain.

It is mine, I know, because always it is looking at me to make me happy.
We have many things. All of us have many things.

We have many things. My mother has many sheep and goats and her hogan and the things of the hogan and me.

 Source : “Little Herder ” by Ann Clark 1940

Illustrated by:
Hoke Denetsosie
Linguistics by:
John P. Harrington
Robert W. Young

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