Daily Schedule for the Junior Livestock Show & Sale at the 2015 Navajo Nation Fair
SEPTEMBER 09, 2015 8:00AM – 12 Noon
Jr. Horse Show Check -In
2:00PM – 7:00 PM Check-in: Indoor Exhibits
1:00PM – 6:00PM Check-in, Weigh Ins, Stall assignments: Swine, Lambs, Cattle,
Breeding Animals, Goats, Llamas and Small Animals-RABBITS & POULTRY
1:00 PM Jr. Horse Show Begins
SEPTEMBER 10, 2015
9:00AM – 5:00PM Junior Livestock Judging & Show – Lee 4-H/FFA Pavilion
1. Swine
2. Swine Showmanship
3. Booster Lamb Show
4. Lamb
5. Lamb Showmanship
6. Steers
7. Steer Showmanship
8. Breeding Sheep
9. Breeding Sheep Showmanship
10. Breeding Cattle
11. Breeding Cattle Showmanship
12. Goats/Meat Goats
13. Goats Showmanship
14. Round Robin
15. Pet Show
SEPTEMBER 11, 2015
10:00AM – 2:00 PM 4-H Junior Livestock Auction & Sales
2:30PM Poultry/Waterfowl Showmanship Judging (small animal area)
3:00PM Poultry Judging / Waterfowl Judging (in the pen)
4:00PM Wooly Ride Entries taken
5:00PM Wooly Ride Show Begins
5:30PM Rabbit Showmanship Judging (small animal area)
6:00PM Rabbit Judging (in the pen)
SEPTEMBER 12, 2015
11:00 AM Parade of Champions – Rodeo Arena, please have show winners
and their animals in line at the Rodeo Arena
2:00 PM Public Speaking, Talent Show, Demonstration & Fashion Show
6:00PM 4H Cook out, Awards & Special Herdsman’s Award
SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 (Final Day of the Fair)
Animal Check Outs and release
8:00AM – 3:00 PM Check-Out and Release of Junior Livestock and Indoor Exhibits (11am)
Please remember we are not responsible for Indoor Entries not picked up or claimed